Welcome to the 8th issue of the Finhaven™ Insights Newsletter — December 2022!

6 min readDec 15, 2022


Finhaven Insights is a monthly newsletter covering the latest insights, news and happenings within Finhaven™ Technology Inc., Finhaven™ Capital Inc. (operating as Finhaven™ Private Markets), and Finhaven™ Gateway Inc., and the industries we operate in.

We want to start this month by saying thanks for supporting Finhaven Insights over the last year. We hope you have enjoyed following our continuing story and latest news. This month the Finhaven team has been working hard to bring you some exciting Finhaven Private Markets deals which will be available in the new year. Our CEO, DH Kim also participated as a panelist at some key industry events. Finally, Finhaven was listed as one of the top 100 web3 companies in Canada. Read on to learn what else has been happening this month.

A word from our CEO

The Finhaven team worked very hard to champion Finhaven Private Markets and Finhaven Investment Platform for the last two years. Since September this year, we’ve started to see strong deal flow to our marketplace and platform. We have been busy with due diligence on those deals. We hope that we can have multiple vetted great deals for our investors in the new year.

In addition, our product team has finalized their work for the white-labeled Finhaven Investment Platform. At this point, we call it WFIP internally. We expect people to call it “Finhaven”, as it will be our flagship product. With the WFIP, we simplify and improve business transactions using blockchain technology. You will be able to conduct business activities from lead generation to transaction closing, all on one platform. Please sign up here if you want to be the first beta user.

Finhaven’s Five Principles for the Finhaven Investment Platform and the Crypto Markets

Considering the current crypto market turmoil with FTX and BlockFi, and Defi’s adoption challenge, CEO Dohyung “DH” Kim introduces Finhaven’s Five Principles for building and operating our platform. Read on to find out how Finhaven’s five principles could help find some solutions to Defi adoption challenges and current crypto market problems.

Learn more about Finhaven’s Five Principles

Finhaven receives a visit from the Prime Minister’s Office of South Korea

On Monday, the 5th of December, Finhaven welcomed 14 delegates from the Prime Minister’s Office of South Korea to learn more about our business. Our CEO, DH Kim, presented the Finhaven Story and innovation with blockchain technology. It was a pleasure and honor to meet representatives from the Democratic Party, the People Power Party, the Justice Party and members from the Prime Minister’s Secretariat, which included Mr. Chung-Hyun Lee (Director General, Political Affairs Cooperation) who is the head of the delegation. Also in attendance were Dr. Keun Ju Lee (Chairman of Korea Fintech Industry Association and CEO of Korea Easy Payment Foundation). “We learned a lot about real innovations that we can anticipate from blockchain technology,” said Dr. Lee.

Finhaven listed in Top 100 Canadian Web3 Companies Landscape by Incubella

This report provides an overview of the Canadian Web3 ecosystem, including a brief introduction to Incubella, the Web3 industry, and the Canadian Web3 landscape. We were pleased to see Finhaven listed as one of the top Canadian companies listed under Digital Infrastructure.

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Finhaven pitches at Venture135 Event

Finhaven recently attended Venture135 in Charlotte, North Carolina, USA on November 16, 2022. Our CEO, DH Kim, was in attendance to present the Finhaven story to investors and corporate partners interested in innovative companies from all over the world.

Watch our presentation

Raise your capital with ease and simplicity by using Finhaven’s platform in your business

Sign up to become an Issuer

Finhaven CEO DH Kim speaks at Blockchain Governance Initiative Network (BGIN) #7 in Vancouver

CEO DH Kim recently participated in a panel hosted at the University of British Columbia, which focused on Financial Applications. DH discussed the whitelisted FINWallet™.

The Blockchain Governance Initiative Network (BGIN) provides an open and neutral sphere for all stakeholders to deepen their common understanding and to collaborate to address issues they face in attaining sustainable development of the blockchain community. It is a unique global network of leading thinkers from industry and academia in the field of blockchain.

More information about the event can be found on UBC’s website here.

Finhaven Recommended Reading

Diving Beneath The Surface: Why There Is So Much More To The Blockchain Iceberg

Blockchain has the potential to streamline administration activities, reduce costs per trade, simplify processes and reduce inefficiencies. In 2022 alone, the use cases of blockchain have expanded to include protection against money laundering, improved cybersecurity, smart contracts, trustworthy voting, transparent supply chains and better gaming experiences.

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Natixis Investment Managers poll reveals the strategies institutions are planning for next year and what they see as the biggest risks

Among other trends that institutional investors are hoping will position their portfolios for success in an unfamiliar market environment includes private markets providing some relief from bear markets, alternatives answering the call for yield, and blockchain looking more valuable than cryptos.

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Blockchain vs. Crypto: Not what it seems

Last week, Goldman Sachs CEO David Solomon wrote an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal titled “Blockchain Is Much More Than Crypto,” in which he reminded us of the potentially far-reaching impact of tokenization and peer-to-peer payments and drilled down on the benefits of risk reduction and settlement speed.

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Finhaven™ and FINWallet™ are trademarks owned and used by Finhaven Technology Inc. Finhaven™ is a registered trademark in the United Kingdom, the European Union, and the Republic of Korea, and is the subject of applications for trademark registrations with the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (Canada) and the United States Patent and Trademark Office (U.S.A.). FINWallet™ is the subject of an application for trademark registration with the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (Canada). The use of these trademarks without prior written permission from Finhaven Technology Inc. is strictly prohibited. Finhaven™ Capital Inc. (operating as Finhaven™ Private Markets) and Finhaven™ Gateway Inc. have both been granted licenses from Finhaven Technology Inc. to use these trademarks in their businesses and communications.

Finhaven™ Private Markets is operated by Finhaven Capital Inc., a registered exempt market dealer and authorized marketplace and clearing agency in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Ontario. Finhaven Capital Inc. is a subsidiary of Finhaven Technology Inc.




Finhaven™ Technology Inc. is a financial services technology company with a capital markets platform built on Distributed Ledger Technology (blockchain).