Welcome to the 6th issue of the Finhaven™ Insights Newsletter — October 2022!
Finhaven Insights is a monthly newsletter covering the latest insights, news and happenings within Finhaven™ Technology Inc., Finhaven™ Capital Inc. (operating as Finhaven™ Private Markets), and Finhaven™ Gateway Inc., and the industries we operate in. As summer ends and we go into fall, here’s what’s been happening at Finhaven HQ so far this month.
Conversations with our CEO, DH Kim
The first video in a series, Conversations with our CEO, introduces you to our company and our latest company developments. In this week’s first episode, we discuss why Finhaven Private Markets targets the real estate marketplace to bring our investors the best-performing real estate and mortgage funds.
Finhaven Capital Inc. is seeking strategic investors
Finhaven Capital Inc. is offering Series A Convertible Preferred Shares to raise capital for our business.
This is a pre-IPO capital raise for a strategic partner or partners. Finhaven Capital Inc. aims to go public in 2023.
If you would like to participate in our Series A Convertible Preferred Shares capital raise and learn more about our company, please visit our webpage where you can download our Finhaven Capital Inc. company deck and access the term sheet.
Should you have any questions before making your decision, you can make an appointment with our CEO, DH Kim using the link below to set up a call.
Why does Finhaven™ Private Markets use digital securities?
Digital securities are an efficient and secure way to store securities and record transactions, they also help to enable automated corporate action and shareholder records management. Finhaven Private Markets use digital securities as part of the groundwork to connect the worlds of cryptocurrencies and digital securities while taking full advantage of blockchain which provides an immutable record of every action ever taken.
Sign up as an investor with Finhaven™ Private Markets
Finhaven invited as an industry partner of Blockchain@UBC to attend Industry Night Event
Finhaven have been invited to exhibit as an industry partner at the #1 academic institution in Canada that focuses on blockchain, Blockchain@UBC. The Industry Night is a flagship event for industry engagement and community outreach. At this event, Finhaven will showcase their operational services to Blockchain@UBC professors, and Master’s and Ph.D. students.
Metaverse, NFT’s, DAO, What is it and how will it impact the future?
The Finhaven team recently attended a very informative event hosted by the Canadian Blockchain Consortium. The event was a deep dive into the metaverse, tokens, Web3, and the digital economy’s regulatory, legal and business considerations.
Finhaven joins Go to Market Program 2022
Finhaven has been accepted to join the The National Research Council of Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC IRAP) funded Go to Market Program 2022 delivered by RocketBuilders to firms that need help in the development of a go-to-market strategy and execution plan of a new product or service. This impactful course targets firms with high growth potential and helps them to: formalize a marketing strategy, target specific market opportunities and maximize revenue growth. Finhaven joins a dozen companies with high growth potential participating and look forward to being part of this program for the next four to five months.
Finhaven Invited to pitch at LA Blockchain on November 1–3, 2022
Finhaven has been accepted to pitch at the upcoming LA Blockchain Summit, November 1–3, 2022 at the LA Convention Center.
Over 40 vetted early-stage VCs have confirmed their attendance and interest to review pitch decks, see live pitches and meet with founders in person on the expo floor. Finhaven CEO, DH Kim will be in attendance to tell the Finhaven story.
Finhaven invited to pitch at the Venture135 Conference
Finhaven has been invited to pitch at Venture135 in Charlotte, North Carolina, USA on November 16, 2022! The conference is drawing investors and corporate partners interested in innovative companies from all over the world. Our CEO, DH Kim will be in attendance to present.
Finhaven SWAT Workshop
We kicked off the first in a series of learning lunches for our staff. At each session, departments present a topic and discuss it with other colleagues with a focus on staying up to date on company goals, learning about departmental developments and discussing in collaboration how we can work together as a team while sharing a delicious lunchtime snack.
Annual training session on money laundering, terrorist financing, and bribery and corruption risks
On September 29, Finhaven’s compliance team led an annual training session on money laundering, terrorist financing, and bribery and corruption risks in our businesses. Both Finhaven Private Markets (operated by Finhaven Capital Inc.) and Finhaven Gateway Inc. are regulated by FINTRAC, Canada’s money laundering and terrorist financing data analysis centre. FINTRAC sends its analysis onward to law enforcement authorities.
We learned about the importance of identifying and verifying the identities of our customers, and assessing their risk for money laundering or terrorist financing activity. The compliance team explained their risk monitoring efforts and reviewed new developments like the U.S. and Dutch authorities’ allegations against Tornado Cash, indicators of illicit cannabis activity, and the final Cullen Report on money laundering in BC. Each Finhavenite can help and is expected to help prevent, detect, and deter these crimes — developers, tech product designers, QA analysts, investment banking, finance, HR, compliance, legal. Want to learn more? Email compliance@finhaven.com
Recommended Reading
SWIFT Partners With Chainlink to Help Bridge TradFi Institutions with Digital Assets, Coindesk, September 28th, 2022
BNN Bloomberg predicts that “private capital strategies are set to nearly double assets under management over the next five years, according to data provider Preqin”. Global assets under management are expected to rise to US $18.3 trillion by the end of 2027. -BNN Bloomberg, Oct 4 2022
Become an investor on Finhaven™ Private Markets today to invest in private market deals. Let us find the right deals for you within the real estate, mortgage, and entertainment sectors.
Finhaven™ is a registered trademark in the United Kingdom and in the European Union, and the subject of applications for trademark registrations with the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (Canada), the United States Patent and Trademark Office (U.S.A.), and the Korean Intellectual Property Office (Republic of Korea). The use of this trademark without prior written permission from Finhaven Technology Inc. is strictly prohibited. Finhaven™ Capital Inc. (operating as Finhaven™ Private Markets) and Finhaven™ Gateway Inc. have both been granted licenses from Finhaven Technology Inc. to use these trademarks in their businesses and communications.
Finhaven™ Private Markets is operated by Finhaven Capital Inc., a registered exempt market dealer and authorized marketplace and clearing agency in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Ontario. Finhaven Capital Inc. is a subsidiary of Finhaven Technology Inc.